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2018 Mentoring Programme – launched

A very big warm welcome to the NEW additions to the WBS Mentoring Community

Following recent inductions, we are delighted to welcome the new mentees and mentors onto the 2018 Mentoring Programme. 

There are 108 mentees joining this year with a further 18 new mentors.

This brings the total inducted onto the Mentoring programme since 2009, to over 750 mentees with 250 active WBS Mentors!

REMEMBER … Mentoring is like a gym membership.

We [WBS/Mentors] provide the tools and equipment but it is up to you [the mentee], to use it … and like any good gym, mentees, will receive reminders, gentle nudges and support to use the facilities … from their Mentor and WBS.

How can I help? … whether a mentee, mentor, steering member or even WBS … we all have a role in helping to gain the most out of this experience.

Feedback and experience has shown following these principles will help you to gain the most of the scheme:-

 • COMMIT & PRIORTISE – Schedule, Prepare, Follow-up sessions

 • COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY – Discussion Points, Open & Honest, Contracting, Feedback

 • CHALLENGE & BE CHALLENGE – Questioning, Learn & Share, Reality Check

 • WBS SUPPORT – Career Resources, Lost contact? Need help?

 Best wishes and welcome to all on the 2018 programme