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Mentee News

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Annual Survey results

• 95% of mentees would recommend the programme

• 88% of mentees have spoken with their mentor in the past 3 months

• With just over 8% having spoken with their mentor 5 to 10 times in 3 months

• Over 80% of mentors rated mentees 5 to 7, on how well mentees managed interactions

• Interestingly, a slightly lower 75% of mentees scored themselves 5 to 7, on how well they managed their mentoring interactions – this indicates that mentor’s feel you’re managing better than you think!

WBS ACTIVITY: what mentors and mentees have to say … (eg; workshops/induction)

• 27% of mentors said weekend face-to-face WBS activity was “not suitable at all”

• Mentors preference is for any WBS face-to-face activity to take place on weekday or weekday evening (approx 65%)

• Whereas 50% of mentees 1st or 2nd preference were for weekday evenings; although 33% found evenings not suitable

• 45% of mentees preferred the weekend (1/2nd preference); but 36% did confirm weekends were not suitable

It seems, many are not familiar with the Mentee area online.

Remember to take a look are refresh your memory on the resources you have available to you. It could make all the difference to your relationship!

Thu 14 Feb 2019, 13:00



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371