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Welcome all to the 2020 Global Mentoring Programme!

We are delighted to welcome the new WBS Mentees and WBS Mentors onto the 2020 Global Mentoring Programme.

With 116 new 2020 Mentees, across 33 nationalities, this together with all past participants makes this a truly global with diverse group. It is also an important point and reminder, if you haven't already join the exclusive LinkedIn Group for Mentees, as this includes past/present mentees from around the world.

Remember, mentoring is like a gym membership. We provide the tools and equipment but it is up to you to make the most out of it. It's a two year programme so we expect you all to be in fabulous shape at the end of it!

Following these principles will help you to gain the most of the scheme.

  • Commit & prioritise– Schedule, Prepare, Follow-up sessions
  • Communicate effectively – Discussion Points, Open & Honest, Contracting, Feedback
  • Challenge & Be challenged – Questioning, Learn & Share, Reality Check
  • WBS Support - Career Resources, Lost contact? Need help?

Further updates will follow and for current participants, periodic newsletters with tips and hints will be emailed to you. Meanwhile, you'll find this page, here, a useful start for any questions / documentation you might need:

This page contains Word documents to download and alter accordingly, as well as PDF's so you can use them more flexibly.

Happy mentoring!

Wed 08 Jul 2020, 15:19



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371