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Review and Reflect: How is the relationship going with your mentor?


Follow the frameworks outlined by WBS.

  • Contracting (review your initial plan, templates can be found in the resource area if you want to draft a new one)
  • Conversation Style (are your conversations in a style that suits you? Refresh this with your mentor if needed, they are open to these conversations, re-visit the guide here)
  • Outcomes & Objectives

Remember to have an open conversation on when you will review again, mentors find reviewing every 3-4 months or 6 months, is helpful.

Reminders on how to frame conversations:

Remember to send discussion points ahead of time, to get the most from your sessions. This forces you to stop and think what you really want to discuss with your mentor. Fostering an open and honest relationship, where you feel comfortable to share openly is key.

Practical tips:

  • Be ready with your topics and know what you want to discuss
  • Know what you want to get out of that session
  • Be able to answer after each session 'what you will take away'
  • Be able to list your actions for the next session

Giving feedback 

Mentors are keen to hear feedback after sessions, it helps them to shape future sessions and ensure you get the most from the programme.

Be comfortable answering questions such as:

"How has this session help you?”

“What one thing has helped you during today’s session and what one thing could be improved on?”

Thu 03 Dec 2020, 12:02



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371