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2020 Global Mentoring Programme finishes in June 2022: How will you celebrate?

2020 Mentoring Programme closes soon

As we draw an end to a relationship we suggest that you consider the following when completing your relationship.

  • What are the successes of your relationship?
  • List the achievements for both the mentor and the mentee.
  • What would you especially like to thank one another for?
  • How will you celebrate?
  • How do you see the relationship once officially closed?

Would you like to share your mentoring story with WBS, to share with future participants? If so, discuss with your mentor, together outline your experience and get in touch with us

From the programme’s experience, outcomes of a mentoring relationship can be far and wide reaching. You may find years later that they have an insight which had its roots in a mentoring conversation much earlier. You can't measure these things and you can't quantify their monetary value.

In the words of Albert Einstein 'Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted'.

Therefore consider sharing with your mentor …

  • What has been the key benefit(s) of having a mentor over the past two years?
  • Looking back at your aims and goals (potentially go back to your original profile), how has the mentoring relationship helped you?
  • How would you sum up your mentoring experience?

Then really consider …

  • How would you like to use the remaining time?
  • What do you wish to achieve in the final months?
  • How and when will you monitor progress in achieving these development goals?

Like all things, there is an end and it is far better to acknowledge that it will close. Ignoring or putting off how you will close the relationship will leave you both feeling unfinished and vague. It gives you the opportunity reflect on the achievements and also gives you a chance to thank your mentor for their time. Moving forward without your mentor will be different, therefore use the final months to embed what you’ve learnt and how you will tackle future challenges.

Tue 05 Apr 2022, 16:55



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371