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Dedicated Mentee area for programme participants!

Following feedback, we thought it would helpful to place mentoring programme elements together in one place for programme participants. We will also link through to relevant resources, offer tips and advice … as well as any events or workshops, too.

We will not bombard you with news … therefore, we suggest that you RSS this feed and whenever it’s updated take a look. Do not forget to also keep an eye on the LinkedIn group – we only ever post relevant material and it is your opportunity to share amongst all mentees who have ever been on the scheme across all of the years.

· Exclusive LinkedIn group – join if you haven’t already!

· Mentoring resources from induction day

Remember if you need support please do get in touch … although, not that May/June time is usually a busy time preparing for the next mentoring programme.

Best wishes

Donna Curtis

Mentoring Programme

Thu 03 May 2018, 10:33



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371