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WBS Mentoring continues to satisfy and deliver excellent recommendation rates …

A BIG thank you to all the engaged mentee’s on the programme. For many of you the combination of WBS qualification, career services and mentoring is making a positive impact to your future.

Better interactions: Did you know that mentor’s rated mentee interactions slightly higher, than they have done so themselves

Satisfaction: Mentee’s from the 2017 programme are more engaged, with more interactions and more satisfied. No time to ease off … keep up the good work!

Challenge: 75% of mentees felt suitability challenged, for those who want to be challenged remember you can ask your mentor to challenge your thinking – just ask them!


1) Engage: Remember the programme is like the gym membership, what you put in is what you will get out of it. Those engaged with the process, are staying in touch and progressing.

2) Communicate effectively – mentees stay in contact with your mentor, even if it’s to say you do not need support at the moment. Also, do not be surprised or feel concerned, if mentor’s send you gentle reminders to stay in touch … they just want to help. Respond to say, you do not need support or that you need ‘x’ amount of time or even better, use it to book a date in the future!

3) Prioritise/commit – We recommend booking a one hour meeting every month for the next 3 months or even better 6 months! If that is too much, strive to book a session at the end of EVERY session. Again, do not be surprised if mentors are asking to book in advance, work with them to find out what works best for you both. Its if your benefit!

4) Discussion Points – prepare to succeed! The best way to frame discussions and to see progression is to share your discussion points with your mentor, at least the day before your meeting. You may find mentor’s might ask from the earlier … do your best to commit, you’ll be amazed at the extra benefits it can bring by simply taking the time to think about what you wish to discuss.

5) Challenge – Mentee’s remember if you wish to be challenged by your mentor, do not be afraid to ask your mentor to challenge your thinking … perhaps your mentor is being respectful or is not sure you’re ready to be challenged.

But don’t just take our word … here’s what recent respondents have said …

“An excellent program. The work going into matching is clear to see. Working with my mentor Andy has been very useful, helping guide me through my first role in senior leadership. Each mentoring session brings new insight I can apply straight away.” – Kevin Currell, 2017 Programme

“Most commercial programs out there focus on life coaching and career advice which while they could be useful for a change of career or focus, are not geared towards enhancing an existing career, especially one in business. The value of this program then is it connects independent and experienced business professionals to gain an independent business perspective of one's career. As a result of this specialism, the program is able to focus far better on solving business problems and providing business focused guidance than other commercial programs I have seen.” – William Whittaker, 2017 Programme

“The mentoring programme can allow participants to reflect on their careers, personal lives, education and social attachments, with reason and understanding, so personal and professional development can begin to take shape, with cohesive insight.”-Afzal Shabir, 2016 Programme

Thu 03 May 2018, 11:37



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371