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Chair of Mentoring Steering Committee receives Outstanding Alumni Contribution award

Change-maker and Chair of the Mentoring Steering Committee, Sanjiv Patel, has been recognised for his commitment with the WBS Outstanding Alumni Contribution award.

Sanjiv has spearheaded the global expansion of the WBS Global Mentoring Programme. In 2016 this resulted in the launch of a Mentoring Hub in Singapore. In November 2017 he followed this up with workshops and alumni events in Singapore and represented WBS at the MBA recruitment fair. In December 2018, he travelled with the WBS team to three cities in India to launch our alumni engagement strategy and mentoring programme there. He also gave a welcome address to the current full-time MBAs at the Warwick Castle event last year, impressing all with his passion for WBS.

As well as these achievements he regularly takes time out from his own business interests to assist in the management of the programme on an ongoing basis. We are very grateful for his leadership!

Wed 24 Jul 2019, 15:47



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371