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New Year, new beginnings… a great time to check in with your mentor.

WBS mentoring schemeRemember, the WBS Mentoring Programme is like your gym membership and, like all good gyms, we are gently encouraging you to take charge of your relationship to make the most of your remaining time.

Many mentees will complete in 6 months … others in 18 months’ time. Even if you have 6 months remaining, there’s still time and for those with 18 months, be aware this time can disappear more quickly than you think.

Now is a good time for everyone, to consider:

  • Revisiting those initial contracting arrangements eg; when and how you meet for mentoring sessions
  • Book sessions for the next three months (if not done so already)
  • Recalibrating/sense checking your aims and goals
  • Assessing or reassessing progress and where you want to be in 3 or 6 month's time
  • or simply send a best for the new year, to keep lines of communications open with your mentor

Lost contact? New Year is the perfect time to reconnect with your mentor. Use the New Year as the excuse to re-establish contact, wish them a happy new year, acknowledge life has been busy/loss of contact and that you are keen to reconnect. In-fact, why not suggest a few dates/times for a mentoring session(s).

Time to take charge!

Mon 06 Jan 2020, 14:26



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371