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Resource Spotlight: Career Management Module - "Networking & Career Transitions"

Following the Annual Survey, some key themes emerged and help requested, surrounding networking and career transition support.

The Career Management Module lessons, Lesson 09: "Networking", and Lesson 14, "Career Management", cover support from CV & interview through to career transitions, and networking.

You will need your alumni number to log-in, for this exclusive material (remember your alumni number is on your WBS newsletters)

  • Lesson 09: Networking
    • What is networking?
    • Why is it essential?
    • The rules of networking
    • Global networking etiquette
  • Lesson 14: Career Transitions
    • Career Change – what’s important for you?
    • What to say at Interviews after Redundancy
    • Your Return to Work Pitch
    • How to manage the gap
Mon 02 Mar 2020, 17:02



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371