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Mentoring Programme celebrates second IiP accreditation

IiP logoSue Long, IiP assessor, said: “The assessment - effective until 2021 - has identified that the organisation has continued to develop. The rigour is derived from the comprehensive selection process of mentors, the increasing range of learning and development available to them and the successful matching of mentors with mentees.”

The IiP assessors' report praised the school for:

  • The improved induction day for both mentors and mentees.
  • The availability of refresher learning and best practice online.
  • A shared vision and strategy for the programme, aligned to the wider WBS vision.
  • A strong sense of trust and empowerment of mentors, who are regularly asked for their opinions.
  • Benefits to mentors of accessing WBS webinars, workshops and events at either The Shard or at Warwick.
  • Regular surveys of mentors and mentees, with monitoring of year-on-year trends.
  • From the most recent survey 95 per cent of mentees and 98 per cent of mentors would recommend the programme.
  • The organisation’s structure, with regular communications and good accessibility to support for both mentors and mentees.
  • A commitment to measure improvement and identify opportunities to improve.
  • A clear and contractual understanding of the programme by both mentors and mentees.

See full news release on the WBS website

Thu 11 Jul 2019, 15:54



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371