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Save the date! Mentee Exchange re-scheduled 26 March (12.00-13.00 GMT)

The mentoring programme is planning another Online Mentee Exchange on Thursday 26 March 12.00-13.00 GMT. We plan to cover the following:

  • The Online Mentee Area
  • Career Management Online Module
  • Career Resources

At the end of the session it is your chance to create a vibrant ‘mentoring experience exchange’ to share experiences, based on the following issues / experiences:

  • “Tips on how to stay in touch with your mentor” (from technology to general hints)
  • "What does my mentor do that is helpful”

To ensure we have sufficient numbers to proceed, and to ensure we cover topics relevant to you, please register your interest and any additional topics you would like covered.

Tue 07 Jan 2020, 14:49



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371