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Time to check in...

Mentees time to check-in:

  • Let your mentor know when you’re available.
  • Ideally, schedule dates/times in the diary; we advocate at least one 1 hour session a month.
  • Naturally sessions for now, should operate remotely (audio/video).
  • Practice your mentoring; see the suggest links below to revisit the DLMBA coaching/mentoring module, visit the Resources page in the Online Mentor Area and/or register to join one of the CPD webinars.
  • Stay connected; The Career Management Module, is open to all WBS students and alumni, that includes your mentees!

Not least, it’s the chance to get to know your mentor more … like never before, globally we faced with something that will affect us all! This could be a good time to build or further build trust and confidence with your mentor … it could a good time to learn from one another.

Tue 17 Mar 2020, 14:16



Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371