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*EVENT * 07 July 2021: How do you craft an authentic identity at work?

It can be difficult to find a balance between meeting the expectations of your role, and enacting your own values at work. This session will unpack the concept of authenticity, and invite discussion and reflections on the value of authenticity in relation to meaningfulness and wellbeing at work.

This interactive session will not only benefit those pursuing entrepreneurial pathways but also to any professional seeking to find that meaningful balance. CLICK TO REGISTER NOW!

Fri 25 Jun 2021, 14:20

How is COVID-19 affecting people's personality?

Core Insights: Behavioural Science- By Tim Mullett

That stressful circumstances have the potential to change our personality has been well researched over the years.

For instance, in 2020 research showed that job insecurity was linked to a decline in our emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. The findings were particularly pertinent given the considerable job insecurity introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Click to view the full article.

Mon 14 Jun 2021, 10:15

Final mentoring sessions..things to remember

What are the successes of your relationship?

List the achievements for both the mentor and the mentee.

  • What would you especially like to thank one another for?
  • How will you celebrate?
  • What have you learnt that you can take to your next mentoring relationship?
  • Is there any feedback for the WBS Mentoring programme – what went well, what could be improved, what additional resources would help etc.
Wed 02 Jun 2021, 10:45

The pathway to recovery: the role of the IMF in establishing growth post the COVID-19 pandemic

Our next alumni webinar The pathway to recovery: the role of the IMF in establishing growth post the COVID-19 pandemic will take place on Tuesday 11 May at 17:30 (UK time). Join Warwick alumni Kevin Wall (retired CEO, Barclays Bank Europe) and Mahmoud Mohieldin (Executive Director, IMF) as they come together to discuss the role of the IMF in establishing growth post the COVID-19 pandemic

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:26

Connect, learn, share... Join the next mentee exchange. 5 May 2021 12:00-12:45

We are keen to support all mentees on the 2019/2020 Programmes and invite you to join us (via wbsLive).

Those on the 2020 programme are on the final year of their programme, join us to learn how to make the most of this time, review your goals and progress.

For mentees on the 2019 programme, sadly your time is very nearly complete with us. You will need to assess your progress too and review any actions you will continue after the programme. We will discuss ending relationships with mentors as this can feel difficult for some.

During the session we also include hints and tips, that we have learnt over the years, to help your mentoring relationship. There is also the opportunity find helpful mentoring/career resources and to ask questions.

Book your place now:

Thu 29 Apr 2021, 11:16

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Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371