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Mentoring tip: Contracting/Expectations Framework

For those just beginning or for those entering their second year, now is a good time to set-up or revisit contracting with your mentor/mentee. 

· How shall ‘we’ communicate when setting-up sessions? Anything to avoid?

· When shall we meet and how often?

· Are discussion points needed beforehand, if so by when?

· What type of mentoring sessions shall ‘we’ have? Or Do we need to change? Is it in person, via skype (or similar) or telephone/audio?

· What happens if there is NO response? Is it ok, to text, email or Whatsapp to check on response? If so, after what period?

· Discuss openly, communication styles and how feedback is given/taken … be aware and/or adapt to make the most of it! – refer to ‘How I like to converse’ within “Resources” 

· How shall we measure progress?

Here’s the link to a suggested “Contracting Expectations Framework” … but adapt the headings to suit you!