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Peter Summerfield and Don Barratt honoured at WBS Staff Awards evening

We are thrilled to recognise and award both Peter and Don a special CORE award for Alumni Engagement at the WBS staff awards this week. It was a wonderful evening to recognise staff for their outstanding contribution and this year for the first time, WBS wanted to acknowledge the tremendous volunteering effort over a number of years from both Don and Peter.

For those new to the mentoring programme, Peter Summerfield was one of the founding creators of the scheme and Don Barratt quickly followed as a founder of the programme, both helped to structure the scheme and the first pilot, then laid the foundations of the programme as it is run today. Both sequentially held the position of Chair. Their desire to support the next generation of business leaders from WBS is refreshing and truly inspirational. 

A big THANK YOU, thoroughly deserved!

… photos will follow soon …