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WBS Mentee Induction Information

All mentees need to attend one full induction. The face-to-face is the best way to start the programme. This year, the face to face induction is taking place on Monday 13th June at WBS, Level 17, The Shard, London.

Face to face induction: Monday 13 June 2022 - Level 17, The Shard

Date : Monday 13 June, 2022

Arrival : Registration/refreshments from 10.15am for a prompt 11.00am start

Where : WBS: Level 17, The Shard, London
please note there is airport style security and only those registered have permission and access to attend.

Briefly, the face-to-face day consists of:

  • Both mentors* and mentees will be in the one session.
  • Register in the main Shard reception, collect your visitor pass and proceed to level 17, WBS.
  • At level 17, you will receive a profile pack, that contains your mentee profile as well as a profile of your matched mentor, as well as other helpful frameworks and templates.
  • A light lunch will be served Lunch will take place in the reception area of level 17, The Shard.
  • There's plenty of opportunity to get to broaden your network and get to know fellow mentees, mentors, the steering committee and the programme team.

Meeting your Mentor:

  • Unlike the remote sessions, there is the chance to meet your mentor and receive a copy of their profile.
  • To help set your expectations, we do not expect our volunteer mentors to repeat year on year their induction. They are invited to join during the course of the day and all do their utmost to be present but we cannot guarantee they can make it.
  • Matched pairs will have the chance to meet one to one, during the final hour of the induction.
  • For those without a mentor, we have a short Q&A at the end of the session and can leave earlier and we will connect you both via email asap.

What should I bring to induction?

  • There is nothing to bring to induction, except perhaps a pen and notepad.
  • We will provide templates during the face-to-face and will also email those documents post-induction. Everything else is explained at your induction.

Dress code:

  • There is no stated dress code. This is to allow you to wear what you feel comfortable and confident.
  • It is fair to say, relaxed business is fairly typical, although some prefer to wear suits. Neither looks out of place.


Remote Induction Dates via wbsLive :

(log in 10 mins prior to times below, to ensure sound/video working for your breakout group work)

  • Thursday 16 June 12.00-14.00 (BST)
  • Tuesday 21 June 17.00-19.00 (BST)

Pre work: Pre-induction work is sent out a week before the induction. This includes a video to watch, a PowerPoint/PDF to read, and time to prepare questions for the remote session.

During the session: It is a fully interactive session, with breakout small group work. Attendance is monitored throughout the two hours. We recommend being in a quiet space, with a microphone and camera.

Joining Instructions: Joining instructions which explain how to join the session are located hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window but will be circulated by email 2-3 days prior to your session.

Meet your Mentor: Once inducted, we will formally connect you with your Mentee which involves us providing you with their contact details. NB: everything is explained at induction.

Prepare before : You might like to have your CV ready to share with your WBS Mentor, over the 4-6 weeks of your relationship.

Remember: to dedicate the full 2 hours to the session.

The session requires interactivity and full participation. Attendance is recorded throughout the session. Those unable to fully commit may be asked to re-join another session.

Induction covers:-

  • Mentee/mentor panel - hear from current/past participants
  • Cultural awareness - we're a global community after all
  • A mentoring relationship! - a relationship role play
  • How to be effective - making the most of your relationship and programme
  • Help! - what to do, where to go
  • Relationship connections - what happens

Any questions or concerns, please email or Donna Curtis, Mentoring Programme Manager