Implementing information and consultation: evidence from longitudinal case studies in organisations with 150 or more employees
Mark Hall, [Sue Hutchinson], John Purcell, Mike Terry and [Jane Parker]
Employment Relations Research Series No. 105, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
This report presents findings from longitudinal research completed in 12 private and voluntary sector organisations with 150 or more employees which had established information and consultation bodies around the time the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations took effect for organisations of this size in 2005. In each case study organisation the research evidence was collected over a two-year period. The longitudinal nature of the research provides evidence of the dynamism of information and consultation in practice. The report focuses on the wide-ranging experience of consultation in practice and seeks to provide explanations for variances in managerial beliefs and actions, the integrartion or otherwise of the employee representative body, the approach of trade unions and the views of employees.
The full report can be downloaded here.