Die Bestimmungsgründe der (Re-)Sektoralisierung der industriellen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Union
(The Determinants of (Re-)Sectoralization of Industrial Relations in the European Union)
[Barbara Bechter, Bernd Brandl] and Guglielmo Meardi
Industrielle Beziehungen, 18, 3, 143-66
The article addresses the research question of why in some sectors industrial relations display strong cross-national similarities across the European Union, while in other sectors they do not. In line with classic interpretations of the development of industrial relations systems, it tests the hypothesis that a sector’s economic internationalisation leads to internationally more similar industrial relations, in comparison to sectors where product and labour markets are mainly national. An analysis of industrial relations characteristics in 9 sectors in all member states of the European Union confirms the hypothesis. The article concludes that transnational convergence in industrial relations is sector specific and therefore comparative industrial relations studies require a renewed focus on the sector level.
The full article can be downloaded here