GUSTO Working Papers
Meeting the challenges of economic uncertainty and sustainability –through employment, industrial relations, social and environmental policies in Europe
The GUSTO Link opens in a new windowresearch project was funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programme Seven. Coping with economic uncertainty while seeking security is a central dilemma of public policy in a globalising economy. The aim of GUSTO was to study that process as it affects European countries and to consider policy options for the future. It requires a new approach, different from the focus of past research on industrial relations and human resource management.
Governance of Uncertainty and Sustainability at Sectoral and Territorial Levels
A selection of working papers from the research project:
‘European social dialogue: Towards more autonomy and new dependencies’
Paul Marginson and [Maarten Keune]
GUSTO Project Academic Paper 5.6, 24pp
'Collective bargaining and the changing governance of hospitals'
Manuela Galetto, Paul Marginson and [Catherine Spieser]
GUSTO Project Academic Paper 6.4, 28pp
‘Big player, different rules? Multinational companies and collective bargaining in Europe’
Paul Marginson and Guglielmo Meardi
GUSTO Project Academic Paper 6.5, 21pp