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CLAHRC Publications

Below is a list of our publications starting from the year 2014. We also present our research at renowned international healthcare and business orientated conferences, such as The Academy of Management (AOM), EGOS, The Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare Conference, The British Psychological Society. A list of recently presented peer-reviewed conference papers by our Theme 5 researchers can be found here.


Currie G., et. al. (2014). New developments in translation research. International Journal of Management Reviews 16 (2), 245 – 248.

Currie G, Burgess N, White L, Lockett A, Gladman J, Waring J. (2014). A qualitative study of the knowledge-brokering role of middle-level managers in service innovation: managing the translation gap in patient safety for older persons care. Health Services and Delivery Research 2 (32).

Currie, G; El Enany, N; Lockett, A. (2014). Intra-professional dynamics in translational health research: The perspective of social scientists. Social Science & Medicine 114, 81 – 88.

Hipwell, A.E; Sturt, J; Lindenmeyer, A; Stratton, I; Gadsby, R; O'Hare, P; Scanlon, PH (2015). Attitudes, access and anguish: a qualitative interview study of staff and patients' experiences of diabetic retinopathy screening. BMJ Open 4 (12)

Hipwell, A.E. et al. (2014). Influence of primary care practices on patients’ uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening: a qualitative case study. British Journal of General Practice 64 (625), e484 – e492.


Burgess, N; Strauss, K; Currie, G; Wood, G. (2015). Organizational ambidexterity and the hybrid middle manager: The case of patient safety in UK hospitals. Human Resource Management 54 (S1), S87 – S109.

Croft, C., Currie, G., Lockett, A. (2015). The impact of emotionally important social identities on the construction of managerial leader identity: A challenge for nurses in the English NHS. Organization Studies 36 (1), 113 – 131.

Currie, G. & Burgess, N. "Enhancing the knowledge brokering capability of hybrid middle managers in a professionalized context", in: S. W. Floyd, B. Wooldridge, Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2015.

Currie, G; Burgess, N; Hayton, J. (2015). HR practices and knowledge brokering by hybrid middle managers in hospital settings: The influence of professional hierarchy. Human Resource Management 54 (5), 793 – 812.

Currie, G., Croft, C. (2015). Examining hybrid nurse managers as a case of identity transition in healthcare: Developing a balanced research agenda. Work Employment and Society 29 (5), 855 – 865.

Currie, G., Croft, C. "Managerialism and the professions", in: M. Noordegraaf and B. Steijn (eds.), Professionals under Pressure; University of Chicago Press, 2015.

Currie, G., Tuck, P., Morrell, K. (2015). How hybrid managers act as ‘canny customers’ to accelerate policy reform: A case study of regulator-regulatee relationships in the UK’s tax agency. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 28 (8), 1291 – 1309.

Grove A., Clarke, A., Currie G. (2015). The barriers and facilitators to the implementation of clinical guidance in elective orthopaedic surgery: a qualitative study protocol. Implementation Science 10, 81.

McGivern, G., Currie, G., Ferlie, E., Fitzgerald, L. & Waring, J. (2015). Hybrid manager-professionals’ identity work: The maintenance and hybridization of professionalism in managerial contexts. Public Administration 93 (2), 412 – 432.

Swanson, R. C., Atun, R., Best, A., Currie, G. et al. (2015). Strengthening health systems in low income countries by enhancing organizational capacities and improving institutions. Globalization and Health 11 (5).

Story, G. W., Vlaev, I., Dayan, P., Seymour, B., Darzi, A. and Dolan, R. (2015) "Anticipation and choice heuristics in the dynamic consumption of pain relief" , PLoS Computational Biology 11, e1004030


Currie, G. "Healthcare organizations and narratives of healthcare reform", in: E. Ferlie, K. Montgomery, and A. Reff Pedersen (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Healthcare Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Currie, G. (2016). The (un)desirability of hybrid managers as controlled professionals: Comparative cases of tax and healthcare professionals'. Journal of Professions and Organization 3 (2), 142 –153.

Currie, G. & Croft, C. “Enhancing absorptive capacity of healthcare organizations: The case of commissioning service interventions.” In: Swan, J., Nicolini, D et al., Knowledge Mobilization in Healthcare, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Currie, G., Spyridonidis, D. (2016). Interpretation of multiple institutional logics on the ground: Actors’ position, their agency and situational constraints in professionalised contexts. Organization Studies 37 (1), 77 – 97.

Grove, A. L., Johnson, R. E., Clarke, A. and Currie, G. (2016). Evidence and the drivers of variation in orthopaedic surgical work: a mixed method systematic review. Health Systems and Policy Research 3,1.

Oborn, E., Prince, K. & Barrett, M. “Knowledge mobilization across inter-organisational health care innovation partnerships: A network ambidexterity perspective.” In: Swan, J.A., Newell, S. and Nicolini, D.. Mobilizing Knowledge in Healthcare: Challenges for Management and Organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Oborn, E. & Barrett, M. (2016). Digital Health And Citizen Engagement: Changing The Face Of Health Service Delivery. Health Services Management Research 29 ( 1-2), 16 – 20.

Radaelli, G. & Sitton-Kent, L. (2016). Middle Managers and the Translation of New Ideas in Organizations: A Review of Micro-practices and Contingencies. International Journal of Management Reviews 18 (3), 311 – 332.

Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C.R., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Baker, R., Dopson, S., Graham, I.D., Staniszewska, S., (2016). Evaluation of Organisational Collaboration in Healthcare. Implementation Science 11, 16.

Hunter DJ, Kieslich K, Littlejohns P, Staniszewska S, Tumilty E, Weale A, Williams I. (2016). Public involvement in health priority setting: future challenges for policy, research and society. Journal of Health Organization and Managagement 30 (5), 796 – 808.

Sausman C., Oborn E., Barrett M. (2016). Policy translation through localisation: implementing national policy in the UK. Policy and Politics 44 (4), 563 – 589.

Schmidtke, K. A., Watson, D. G., Vlaev, I. (2016). The Use of Control Charts by Lay-people and Hospital decision-makers for Guiding Decision Making. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (7), 1114 –1128.

Spyridonidis, D., Currie, G. (2016). The translational role of hybrid nurse middle managers in implementing clinical guidelines: Effect of and upon professional and managerial hierarchy. British Journal of Management 27(4), 760 – 777.

White, L., Currie, G., Lockett, A. (2016). Pluralized leadership in complex organizations: Exploring the cross network effects between leadership influence and informal network relations. Leadership Quarterly 27 (2), 280 – 297.


Martin, G., Currie, G., Weaver, S., Finn, R. and McDonald, R. (2017) Institutional complexity and individual responses: delineating the boundaries of partial autonomy, Organization Studies 38 (1), 103 –127.

Essen, A. and Oborn, E. (2017) The performativity of numbers in illness management: the case of Swedish rheumatology. Social Science & Medicine, 184,
134 –143.

Wiedner, R., Barrett, M. and Oborn, E. (2017) The emergence of change in unexpected places: resourcing across organizational practices in strategic change. Academy of Management Journal, 60 (3), 823 – 854.

Radaelli, G., Lettieri, E., Frattini, F., Luzzini, D. and Boaretto, A. (2017) Users’ search mechanisms and risks of inappropriateness in healthcare innovations: the role of literacy and trust in professional contexts. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 120, 240 – 251.

Radaelli, G., Currie, G., Frattini, F. and Lettieri, E. (2017) The role of managers in enacting two-step institutional work for radical innovation in professional organizations. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (4), 450 – 470.

Schmidtke, K., Poots, A., Carpio, J., Vlaev, I., Kandala, N. and Lilford, R. (2017). Considering chance in quality and safety performance measures: an analysis of performance reports by boards in English NHS trusts. BMJ Quality & Safety 26, 61 – 69.

Staniszewska, S, Brett,J., et. al. (2017) GRIPP2 reporting checklists: tools to improve reporting of patient and public involvement in research. BMJ 358, j3453.

Staniszewska, S, Brett,J., et. al. (2017) GRIPP2 reporting checklists: tools to improve reporting of patient and public involvement in research. Research Involvement and Engagement 3, 13.


Weich, S., Fenton, S. H., Bhui, K., Staniszewska, S., Madan, J., Larkin, M., Newton, E., Crepaz-Keay, D., Canaway, A., Croft, C. and Griffiths, F. (2018) "Realist evaluation of the use of patient experience data to improve the quality of inpatient mental health care (EURIPIDES) in England : study protocol", BMJ Open 8 (6), e021013.

Currie, G., Croft, C., Chen, Y., Kiefer, T., Staniszewska, S. and Lilford, R. (2018) "The capacity of health service commissioners to use evidence: a case study", Health Services and Delivery Research 6 (12).

Currie, G., Faulconbridge, J., Gabbioneta, C., Muzio, D. and Richmond, J. (2018) "Professional misconduct in healthcare : setting out a research agenda for work sociology ", Work, Employment and Society (Forthcoming).

Currie, G. and Spyridonidis, D. (2018) "Sharing leadership for diffusion of innovation in professionalized settings", Human Relations (Forthcoming).

Grove, A. L., Clarke, A. and Currie, G. (2018) "How are evidence and knowledge used in orthopaedic decision-making? Three comparative case studies of different approaches to implementation of clinical guidance in practice", Implementation Science 13 (75).

Kirkpatrick, I., Hoque, K. and Lonsdale, C. (2018) "Client organisations and the management of professional agency workers in English health and social care", Human Resource Management (Forthcoming).

Kirkpatrick, I., Sturdy, A.J., Reguera Alvarado, N., Blanco-Oliver, A. & Veronesi, G. (2018) "The impact of management consultants on public service efficiency". Policy and Politics (Forthcoming).

Barrett, M. & Oborn, E. (2018) "Bridging the research-practice divide: Harnessing expertise collaboration in making a wider set of contributions". Information & Organization (Forthcoming).