Current Funding Opportunities
We offer a range of seed funds to support international collaboration. These are designed to develop Warwick's partnerships with global institutions, as well as facilitate collaboration with our strategic partners.
International Partnership Fund
The University’s International Partnership Fund (IPF) is designed to foster or establish collaborations between Warwick academics and their peers at top international universities or institutions. It supports joint preliminary research, as well as the organization of meetings, conferences, or workshops. This IPF is intended to support partnership development worldwide.
Monash Warwick Alliance
Formed in 2012, for over 10 years the research powerhouses of Monash University, Melbourne, Australia and Warwick have navigated a successful partnership, focusing on high impact research and developing international leaders and expertise for the future.
There are funds available to support researchers, educators and students. They have been designed to support you at every level of your collaboration, whether it's establishing new links or advancing existing collaborations. There are two rounds of funding available every year with deadlines in Autumn and Spring.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The SJTU-Warwick Joint Seed Fund has been established with the specific intention to foster new initiatives with high potential for global impact that combine complementary aspects of each institution towards novel research outcomes.
SJTU-Warwick Joint PhD Programme
The SJTU-Warwick Joint PhD Programme has been established with the intention of creating opportunities for both institutions and their students to collaborate on high-quality research projects. The programme also provides a framework for the progression of joint research projects supported by the SJTU-Warwick joint seed fund.
Stellenbosch University
The Stellenbosch-Warwick Joint Seed Fund is designed to flexibly support Stellenbosch and Warwick researchers and professional services staff to establish new links and advance existing collaborations.