Warwick has built its research partnerships with top Indonesian universities around key Indonesian national research priority areas including Food, Energy, ICT, Transportation and Advanced Materials. Our researchers have successfully secured external funding from sources such as the British Council, the Newton Fund and the Royal Society of Chemistry to support research collaborations with Indonesian counterparts. Collaborative research projects to date have spanned topics including biomass energy, the development of black rice elite varieties for small farmers, urban rehousing and women’s empowerment in Jakarta, and infrastructure health monitoring.

Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA)
The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) programme supports the one-way mobility of Indonesian undergraduates to selected overseas host universities for one term. Warwick has successfully bid to host students under this scheme each year since 2022/23.

UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS)
Warwick is a founding member of the UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS), a UK-Indonesian universities alliance pioneering research and expertise to build global resilience against pandemics, the climate emergency, and natural hazards. It serves to develop and enhance educational, economic, and cultural links through outreach activities and community engagement.