Associate Professor Wendy Stubbs
What motivated you to work with the Monash Warwick Alliance?
I met A/P Fred Dahlmann from Warwick Business School at an Academy of Management Conference in 2018. After sharing our research we thought we could create an interesting research project that brought together our research on purpose-driven businesses and earth system governance (a framework for developing new insights into governing the coupled socio-ecological system). We were both aware of the Monash Warwick Alliance funding and decided it was a great opportunity to collaborate on some new and interesting research, drawing in other researchers from Monash and Warwick universities: to investigate the role of purpose-driven businesses, and the business “ecosystem” in which they reside, to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Earth System Governance. That is, how purpose ecosystems could act as a private governance mechanism to address the SDGs.
What are your top three collaboration achievements so far?
We have presented our research at four international conferences and seminars, and received insightful feedback that will further seed our collaborative work.
We have published one peer-reviewed journal paper in the Earth System Governance journal and have two more papers under review in highly regarded journals.We have built a strong relationship between the Warwick and Monash researchers that will seed further research and collaboration.
What do you hope to ultimately achieve through your collaboration?
We hope to build on our exploratory findings and create a larger project, collaborating with academics interested in research on purpose ecosystems and practitioners who are enabling purpose-driven businesses. We aim to apply for funding for a collaborative project, to link business, policy makers, NGOs and other universities who can mobilise purpose ecosystems as part of earth system governance to help shape and facilitate the wider sustainability transition.
Can you share one fun fact about yourself or your work?
After all my travel plans were curtailed during my long service leave (3 months of leave) during covid19 lockdowns in 2020, I fulfilled a passion and certified as a yoga teacher. So now I can help people with down-dog (adho mukha svanasana) as well as sustainability!