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60th Anniversary idea callout

The University of Warwick is turning 60 in 2025, we are excited to bring our anniversary to life, and want to hear from you!

We're inviting proposals for events to be part of a commissioned, year-long celebration programme.

This is a fantastic opportunity to have your ideas included in our programme where you can extend your networks, engage communities and reach new audiences.

See how you can help to bring our anniversary celebrations to life for our students, staff, alumni, local community, and international audiences.

How to get involved

Please read these details carefully, and send us your proposals by 11pm on Friday 31 May 2024.

Do you have a brilliant idea – but also some questions? Join an online drop in session to get some guidance on filling in the submission form.

Or you can contact the team at We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Our vision: What we want to achieve

We’re creating a forward-thinking, inclusive, and innovative 60th anniversary programme. It will run from January 2025 and actively involve our communities. We want to build on the ambitions outlined in the University's strategy.

The programme will include experiences that aim to:

  • excite people about Warwick's future
  • create connections between individuals and ideas
  • progress towards our goals for 2030

Across 2025, the programme will include commissioned events designed around the following themes:

  • Converge - new events focused on the 60th anniversary, which can be supported through funding and production support. We expect to see a small number of these events that will have significant impact across our audiences.
  • Collaborate - integrating the 60th anniversary into existing activities that already take place, aimed across our key audiences.
  • Celebrate - through co-created events delivered by students and departments, with marketing tools to support and promote. We do not intend to limit the number of events owned and shaped by departments.

60th anniversary outcomes

Our programme will have real impact on audiences and will energise and animate our 2030 Strategy ambitions: pointing the way ahead so that, together, we can make a better world, through our shared outcomes:

  • Social Inclusion: strengthening our culture of belonging and inclusion, where students, staff and our wider communities can reach their potential.
  • Supported by innovation: showcasing the value of creative ideas, actions and collaborations.
  • Regional leadership: enabling the economic, social and cultural growth of our region.
  • International: supporting growing our global networks, engagement and influence and champions our diverse global campus community
  • Sustainability: embedding sustainability in our curriculum and research, supporting campus biodiversity, and operations to go beyond net zero.

What are we looking for?

We are looking to commission and curate a comprehensive and balanced programme of innovative, forward-looking, and inclusive events – online, on campus and off campus, that will engage and excite our audiences in our 2030 story of change.

All proposals need to be aligned to the 60th anniversary outcomes and explain how the proposal will contribute to longer-term outcomes:

A colourful flow chart which reads Ambition > Investment > Activity > Outputs > Outcomes > Impact
  • Your ambition to positively change behaviours and perceptions linked to the 2030 Strategy outcomes.
  • What existing resources you have through people, expertise, and financial budget.
  • What additional support you are seeking to realise this change.
  • More about the activity, your audience and production, planned timing and dates etc.
  • Evidence based approach that the idea will engage your audience.
  • What will be produced and how you will measure if this is successful.
  • An understanding of which of the shared outcomes your idea supports, and the difference it will make.
  • How you will measure the impact and the change you achieved post-event.

How we can support

Your ideas will be carefully considered, looking at how we will put together a year-long programme, and deciding whether ideas align best with the converging, collaborating, or celebrating themes.

We can provide appropriate support through budget allocation, event planning expertise, toolkits and resources, marketing and promotion.

Where complementary ideas emerge, we can help to establish partnerships between applicants.

Get involved

Please share your ideas by 11pm on Friday 31 May 2024.

We will review and shortlist ideas, and develop a programme.

We’ll let you the outcome of your proposal during June 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you!