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WIHEA Masterclass: Neurodiversity (Specific Learning Differences; SpLDs) and the Student Academic Experience
This interactive masterclass is of particular interest to staff members interested in building inclusive curriculums and wider student experiences for disabled students.
During this session, you will:
- hear from disabled students about their academic experiences at the University of Warwick
- hear about the findings of a WIHEA funded project which;
- quantitively surveyed and qualitatively interviewed over 85 Neurodivergent Students (SpLDs) about their academic experiences at the University of Warwick
- the creation of a digital inclusive practice toolkit created from existing inclusive practices staff at the University of Warwick
- using inclusive co-production and participatory action research principles to develop student and staff projects.
- have time to discuss and share experiences of supporting disabled students at the University of Warwick
- collaborate with colleagues to work through cases studies based on the WIHEA project findings.
Find out more and book your place.