What was written on the tablecloths?
At Ideas Cafe events, we encourage those who attend to scribble down their thoughts and feelings on the table cloths as the talks are happening. Here's what was written during the Global Governance event, unedited, as it appeared on the table cloths:
Global governance needs to develop and invest in long-term.
Education and train people for Business ethics, Human Rights, Social Responsibility and accountability.
Ethics and education cannot be value free – education can close minds as well as open them.
Who controls agenda – what’s off agenda as well as what’s on. – language – framing issues.
Examples of functioning glob gov only where those with the power and voice.
System set up for big business.
Fair trade itself bounded. What about excluded.
Global regulatory mechanisms. Who elected the bankers?
Power relations
Their relationship to neo-liberal capitalism – how it affects
Global inequality – regionally and class
Role of the media – both news and social propagating information with political implications
“Corrupt is well regulated”
Resources / energy / food – Plaps
Px regulations we shd
Malnutrition /sugar education – yes} Jamie Oliver
Vicious cycle of poverty
Food – Marketing
Power Fair Trade – labelling, Gov not working, alternative bcomes main stream
Should some things be privatised 1) food 2) health
Moral claims making us better consumers
Does it change World?
30 million pple
Not new as old as colonialism
More apparent
(Medicine gov)
Do we ask question?
Pressure but you are not nec-governing
Here enough food?
1. Mess / multilateralism – trans scalar problems
Diffuse Governments
1. Jan Aart “The mess we’re in”
2. James Harrison “New forms of global governance”
3. Lena Rethel “Is global governance legitimate”
4. Celine Tan “Dealing with global crises”
WHO? Leaders
WHO Affected?
- Should we have a World government?
- We should but we couldn’t!!!
Would the long term thinking reduce the income gap?
There have been International Conferences to shape the perspectives of the world on “environment” – Culture Futures
i) Global issues/problems
ii) Global mtg and regulatory processes
Rules, working, standards, laws
Global Governance
- global problems e.g. food issues
- rules and regulatory processes to organise global problems – not always successfully
Fairtrade – private actors
Food labelling
Consumers becoming part of regulatory processes
International regulatory gaps (e.g. for baby food)
Messy multilaxeralism (Jan Aart)
i) Trans-scalar problems (multi scale problems)
ii) Outside public sector (e.g. in private sector + regulations in finance e.g. fairtrade) – trans sector
iii) Diffuse governance/responsibility – decentralisation
iv) Overlapping mandates
v) No more sovereignty – no is accountable?
Legitimacy – Lena
Type of content of GG
Democratic legitimacy
Technocratic legitimacy
Inclusiveness of GG regimes
Participatory legitimacy in WTO
Accountability of GG
DM process
Responsive legitimacy
European regulations of food
Moral pragmatic answer – the right thing to do – effectiveness of GG arrangements
Who makes rules of GG?
Who elected the rule makers?
Who enacts those rules? – whose interests are dominating?
Power relations underlying GG
Who is effected by these rules? – under nutrition!! In parts of the World
Mechanisms of GG work by and large but…
We need framework to reinforce GG and tackle global crises
Regulatory outcomes must be fair
1. Domestic circumstances
2. Accountability, coordination
3. Legitimacy? Where does it come from?
Democratic deficit
Overlapping mandates (Greece)
Decision making/accountability
Inter/cross etc
International components/entities
Repuing or a global oversight
Surprising markets still place any faith in the rating agencies which failed quite miserably when assessing structured products prior to the financial crisis.
The Mess
Inter connection between problems
Markey discipline
Regulatory authority
Market signals
National – international
Public arrangements, private arrangements
Markets are still the sceptical voice
Supervisory gatekeeper
Credit rating agency
Enforcement element
Accountability control Self regulation
Explicit State regulation
Behaviour Implicit Markets
Political control G20 Consumers
Market control burden sharing
Building societies – face to face assessment
Finance capital is risk adverse hence financial crisis – market through risk aversion
- GFM unit
- Too complex
European trading scheme
Economic / profit making > green moral standpoint
Education vs Stern report and need for immediate action
Social/digital media – visualisation of Global Warming
Not pervading through society unlike nuclear catastrophe
i.e. Facebook campaign for Global warming – cf. Ziceh
Education is the only solution (we should stop thinking that education will bring “late results”)
Local accountability
Perspective counts a lot
Collaborative decision making
Uncertainty vs risk (manageable?)
Global “new uncertainties”
Is the world today more messy or is this “created”?: media, travel, trade, voice
Is messiness a bad thing? – for whom?
New challenges – new institutions/processes/reg arrangements?
Do we need GG? Can it work? What should be the goal of GG?
What is legitimate? For whom?
When could GG be effective?
Is the question ‘who rules’? Or ‘who should rule’ (or not)
GG – Global Warming
Kyoto – failure?
Carbon trade?
Enforcement mechanisms? Power?
Compliance w/regulations?
What about responsibility?
Do ‘we’ need the US, which actors matter?
Can global warming be addressed through GG mechanisms?
Is global warming a pressing concern, for whom? – priorities long term vs short term
Climate change vs development
Can social media be a global governance?
1. Think globally – apply local recommendation made by global bodies.
2. Act locally. Implement scheme (Fairtrade/energy saving…)
3. Share local – global. Use social media to share and lead by example. Build a shared legitimate model. Local peer pressure to Government