Business links with Brazil
The University of Warwick Science Park has strengthened ties with Brazil that could lead to economic benefits in both countries.
The Science Park welcomed around 20 delegates from Brazilian business incubators, technology parks, research and educational institutions, public agencies and other entrepreneurship and innovation related organisations as part of a Europe-wide tour, which included visits to Belgium, Holland and Ireland.
The visit of the delegation took place on 24 May 2013 and was organised by Anprotec (Brazil’s science park and business incubator association) and its European equivalent, the EBN. The objective of the visit was to share experiences from supporting innovative businesses and to develop joint support programmes to benefit Brazilian and UK SMEs. The University of Warwick Science Park and the University of Warwick welcomed the delegation jointly, demonstrating the close cooperation between business and academia in helping companies.
A visit to the University of Warwick Science Park was high on the agenda of the delegation because it is seen as a worldwide exemplar in its field and will share information and best practice with its Brazilian counterparts.
The relationship is also expected to lead to inward investment from Brazil into the UK, particularly in Coventry and Warwickshire, through the Science Park’s involvement in the UK Market Access Program (UKMAP).
The other area that will be developed further is to give facilitated access to the Brazilian market for UK SMEs through Anprotec’s network of Science Parks and Business Incubation Centres.
Dirk Schafer, of Warwick' Science Park, said:
“Brazil is regarded as one of the fastest growing economies and it is embracing the need for a strong knowledge base and innovation culture.
The University of Warwick Science Park is an exemplar in this field and Anprotec wants to learn from us how we go about helping businesses and how we access University research for the benefit of businesses.
It also brings huge potential for attracting Brazilian investment here too and vice versa could help UK businesses access Brazilian markets so it is very much a win-win opportunity for all the parties involved."
The organisations that visited included the Brazilian Ministry for Science, Technology & Innovation, the University of Rio Grande do Sul and the Tech Incubator MIDI.
The relationship builds on Brazilian ties already developed by the University of Warwick through its ‘Science Without Borders’ programme which is an exchange programme for students, researchers and businesses.
Another area in which the university is working with Brazil is through the ‘Brazil Partnership Fund’ to encourage collaborations and seed research partnerships as well as encourage business collaboration through the Higher Education Innovation fund (HEIF).