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Copyright changes affect digitised course extracts

Changes to the inclusion of US printed works in the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA), under the UK Higher Education Licence, will impact on the availability of reading list digitised course extracts.

The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) has advised the University of a change in the way that US publisher titles are made available under the CLA UK Higher Education Licence. This affects Warwick and other universities.

The US Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), which manages copyright and licensing of US publications, now licenses works on a title-by-title rather than publisher-by-publisher basis. The result of this is that many US works have been removed from the CLA’s list of works from which digitised course extracts can be created. The CLA has had to comply with these changes and is now informing universities which works have been removed.

The implications for the University are:

  1. The Library must remove from its course extracts service by the end of February 2014 items from works that are now excluded from the CLA licence
  2. It will not be possible to provide digitised extracts from these works in future years unless they arereinstated as permitted texts.

The CCC remains in discussion with publishers over the status of a number of other works. These will remain in the course extracts service until 31 July 2014, when further notification will be issued.We appreciate that this will cause some level of inconvenience to module leaders affected by this change. However, the University has a legal duty to comply with its copyright licence.

The Library will contact individual module leaders shortly with the details of any course extracts that must be removed by the end of February, and also those that may need to be removed by the end of July.