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Introducing the new Student Complaints Resolution Pathway

On Monday 29 September 2014 a new Student Complaints Resolution Pathway came into effect. Student complaints relating to all academic, administrative and professional services offered by the University will fall within the new Pathway.

The formal Student Complaints Resolution Procedure replaces the existing Student Academic Complaints procedure and the process for non-academic service complaints, and gives a clearer structure for complaints submitted by students under the Dignity at Work and Study Policy.

Student Complaints Resolution Pathway graphicAbout the process

The Pathway is intended to provide a streamlined yet supported process with a focus on early resolution, incorporating mediation as a key strategy to achieve this.

The aim is to resolve student complaints in a timely, effective and fair manner as close as possible to the area in which they arise.

The new procedure has three stages, each with indicative timescales:

  • Stage 1 Frontline/Local Resolution
  • Stage 2: Formal Departmental Resolution
  • Stage 3: Formal Institutional Review and Final Resolution

It is anticipated that the vast majority of complaints will be resolved, as they currently are, at Stage 1 by frontline staff.

Briefing sessions: Book now

Core to the introduction and piloting of the Pathway and Procedure is the building of capacity and capability of staff at all levels in effective complaints resolution, mediation, and in capturing and responding proactively to student feedback.

A number of briefing sessions are scheduled to take place this term. All staff who either deal with student complaints or who might provide advice to students on the process are encouraged to attend.

Find out more and book your place

Next steps

Further guidance and FAQs for both students and staff are available, together with the final Student Complaints Resolution Procedure and related complaint submission forms, on the Student Feedback and Complaints Framework website.

If you have any questions relating to the new Student Complaints Resolution Pathway or mediation, please contact the Complaints Resolution team at Studentcomplaints at warwick dot ac dot uk