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Monash-Warwick Alliance funding opportunities

allianceThe Monash-Warwick Alliance has developed a series of funding initiatives to help promote the development of transformational ideas. As globally connected universities, Warwick and Monash University, Melbourne, are committed to working together and using each institution’s unique capabilities to create world-changing responses to a range of pressing challenges.

The Alliance has competitive funding rounds for projects of a variety of sizes and aimed at supporting a variety of different project types, starting with the Student Led Activity Fund, and growing through the Seed Fund, the Development Fund, and the Major Initiatives fund.

All funding proposals made to the Alliance are evaluated through the five principles of Alliance activities receiving financial support:

  1. Strategic value (including synergy and overall alignment with institutional priorities)
  2. Transformational potential
  3. Innovative approaches
  4. Shared commitment and benefits
  5. Potential for external investment

Forthcoming Calls - deadline Sunday 1 December

Applications for the next round of funding for the Development Fund and the Major Initiatives Fund are due to both Monash and Warwick by midnight Sunday 1 December.

The Development Fund is designed to allow colleagues at both institutions to deepen existing collaboration. This fund accepts proposals of between A$40,000 and A$100,000 for projects around teaching and research. Projects can last for up to three years and can include proposals for the creation of new courses. The Development Fund can also be used to offset staffing costs relating to the establishment of joint activities. Sustainability of projects, both financial and deliverable, are of considerable concern.

The Major Initiatives Fund provides the opportunity for the creation of jointly-appointed professorial posts. Earlier rounds of funding have resulted in the appointment of leading professors who have been given the scope and infrastructure to make important advances in their fields and position the Alliance, and their respective departments, in the forefront of their fields of research. Proposals for such appointments must be made in areas where strong collaboration already exists between Monash and Warwick and must be in areas identified as priorities for the Alliance. Funding for such posts will be for up to five years.

Applications to both these funds should be made in collaboration with the Monash-Warwick Alliance Operations Team via mw-alliance at warwick dot ac dot uk.