New Vice-Provost and Chair of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine
Congratulations to Professor Mike Ward, who will take up the role of Vice-Provost and Chair of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine when the current Vice-Provost and Chair of Faculty, Professor Lorenzo Frigerio, takes up his role as the new Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) during the summer.
About Mike
Mike did his BA at Cambridge, studying Natural Sciences (1983-1986) and specialising in Chemistry. He remained in Cambridge for his PhD (1986-1989) - then, after a post-doc in Strasbourg, he started his independent academic career in Bristol in 1990. After 13 years there he moved to Sheffield in 2003 and, after 14 years in Sheffield, he moved to the University of Warwick in 2017 as Head of Department, a job he's done for six years.
He has won Royal Society of Chemistry awards for his research at different career stages, most recently the Supramolecular Chemistry award for 2016, as well as a Warwick teaching (WATE) award for 2021. Mike’s research interests are all based around the coordination and supramolecular chemistry of transition metal and lanthanide ions and their multinuclear assemblies.
Mike has been involved with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in various capacities, including membership of two journal editorial boards. He is currently (2022-2025) President of the RSC’s ‘Dalton Community' inorganic chemistry division.
An internal consultation process to find the new Head of the Department of Chemistry (led by Professor Lorenzo Frigerio) has been accelerated so that we can ensure a smooth transition.
The role of the Vice-Provost and Faculty Chair
The Vice-Provost and Chair of the Faculty (VP/CoF) provides academic leadership to Departments in their Faculty and represents the Faculty in University matters. The VP/CoF works closely with the University Executive Board and central professional and support services to deliver agreed priorities as required, including acting on behalf of the Provost where needed.
In addition to chairing the Board of the Faculty, VP/CoFs serve on a range of University committees and are responsible for promoting the policies, programmes and procedures within their respective Faculty. Vice-Provosts and Faculty Chairs are also a source of support and act as ‘first port of call’ for Heads of Department and Research Centres in the relevant Faculty and inform and influence the Faculty on key decisions affecting it and the University.
Vice-Provosts and Faculty Chairs are also engaged in the appointment processes for key academic posts within the Faculty. Chairs serve ex officio on the following formal bodies: Senate, Steering Committee, Research Committee, Honorary Degrees Committee, Academic Quality and Standards Committee, Capital, Space and Amenities Group, the Academic Resourcing Committee, and might also act as Chair of the Investigating Committee and Appeals Committee.