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NSS 2019 – Warwick sees a rise in overall satisfaction

The findings of the National Student Survey 2019 (NSS) were published on 3rd July, and the results are encouraging for Warwick.

The NSS - a survey of all undergraduate finalists at UK universities and colleges to understand and improve students’ experience of higher education – reported positive progress made in 21 of the 27 NSS questions, with overall satisfaction increasing by 2.2%.

For Warwick this represents a rise of 33 places in the ranking of HEIs’ (Higher Education Institutions) NSS scores for overall satisfaction.

You can view the full survey results on the Office for Students website and for those with access, through the University’s Educational Analytics dashboard

What do the results mean for Warwick?

We are pleased to see a steady increase in student satisfaction across the majority of departments. We need to maintain the momentum behind efforts to improve the student learning experience, but we are moving in the right direction and we should take a moment to celebrate that at the end of challenging year.

The increasingly positive perception of our courses is in part an outcome of the ongoing dialogue between you and the students in your departments. The results show that students can see that their views and opinions with regards to courses are valued, and that staff are acting on the feedback that they provide.

This has led to improvements in other areas too, most notably in assessment and feedback, with students reporting better perceptions of the fairness of marking and assessment (+2.5%). They also felt that feedback on their work has been helpful (+3.8%), which is testament to the hard work of staff in giving good quality feedback.

Staff and students will continue to work closely on developing new ways to extend and enhance their learning through internationalisation, interdisciplinary study and student research, and the NSS is a key element of our collaborative approach to quality enhancement at Warwick.

Thank you again to staff who supported and promoted the survey. These results are promising in many areas, putting down good foundations for longer term changes.

We will work with staff in academic and professional service departments to analyse the feedback in more detail and undertake action planning for improvement. If you have questions or comments in the meantime, please contact Dan Derricott in the Teaching Quality team at d dot derricott at warwick dot ac dot uk dot