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Recovery planning update (19 May)

Following the Heads of Department presentation that was shared with all staff last week, we asked for your questions regarding recovery planning. Thank you to everyone who got in touch. We’ll be sharing responses to the themes raised over the coming weeks; read the first set of responses.

One recurring question was the nature of how and when campus will reopen. A working group, chaired by Chris Twine and reporting to UEB and the wider Business Continuity and Recovery Programme, is developing plans to reopen campus over the coming months, with the expectation of students being back on campus by the start of the new academic year. The University contacted new and returning students today, and reassured them that the safety and wellbeing of staff and students is our primary concern. With this in mind, several alternative scenarios are under development so the University can effectively respond to changing restrictions and external factors. Any return to campus will be phased, developed in line with Government policy and Public Health England advice.