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Confidential support at Warwick

Everyone at Warwick, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. Harassment of any kind is completely unacceptable, and our community is an environment where prejudice and socially unacceptable behaviour are never tolerated.

There’s confidential support available to guide you through your options if you experience or witness unacceptable behaviour. You can also refer students to these services.

Support to decide what happens next

Report + Support is an online disclosure platform for students, staff or visitors who have experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment, discrimination and/or a hate crime.

If a student, staff member or visitor discloses with their contact details, a specially trained Liaison Officer will be in touch to confidentially discuss their support and reporting options within 2 University working days.

There’s also the option to report anonymously, and you can find self-care resources and information on the website.

Visit Report + Support

Being an active bystander

To help our students to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to intervene safely and effectively in response to unacceptable attitudes and behaviour, the Community Values Education Programme deliver the Active Bystander initiative.

Incoming students will receive an ‘Introduction to Active Bystander’ workshop in Term 1, and a longer Active Bystander Intervention course starts in Term 2.

Explore the courses and resources available at

Awareness campaigns

This term, we are running a digital and print campaign on campus to increase awareness of Report + Support to students, staff and visitors. You’ll see posters, toilet door stickers, digital screens across campus, and social media activity, as well as messages in newsletters.

We're also running a digital campaign to encourage students to be Active Bystanders and to explore the activities and resources on offer at