Who should I tell at Warwick?
How to tell us that you are self-isolating
See what you need to do next.
You need to self-isolate if:
- You have travelled to the UK from a country on the UK government's red or amber list. You also need to follow the UK government rules if you’ve been in or through an amber list or red list country. See the testing and self-isolation requirements
- You have symptoms of Covid-19
- You have been tested and are waiting for a result, or have received a positive result
- You have been notified by NHS app that you have been close contact (unless you are fully vaccinated or under 18 and 6 months) and need to book a PCR test on campus
For any of the reasons above, you must complete our self-isolation form as soon as possible.
You will also need to tell your department (see below), your household or your kitchen group if you live on campus.
If you are asked to self-isolate by Test and Trace, you need to tell your academic department
You also need to tell your department and Personal Tutor or Supervisor that you are self-isolating. Please follow advice from them regarding your studies. If your period of self-isolation is extended, you should update your personal tutor about this too.
They will ensure that you have all the information that you need regarding your studies while in self-isolation. They can support you to submit any mitigating circumstances if your work or an assessment is impacted. They can connect you to other sources of support at the University.
If you are unable to get hold of your Personal Tutor or Supervisor or would prefer to talk to someone else in your department then please contact your department Senior Tutor.
Positive tests
Please note that if you test positive, the Test and Trace Team will inform the teaching lead in your department (including the Head of Department, Head of Administration and your Personal Tutor). We also advise that you contact your Personal Tutor anyway to be sure.
You or your manager should also update details on SuccessFactors.
Graduate Teaching Assistants
See HR's advice on what to do if you're a Graduate Teaching Assistant.
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