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An introduction to Togetherall

Togetherall is available free for all our students and staff and provides safe, anonymous online support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The service is designed to help staff and students to get support, take control and feel better. It provides 24/7 peer to peer and professional support (with trained healthcare professionals online at all times) including a range of tools to help people self-manage and improve wellbeing.

Get a demonstration

Are you likely to refer students or staff to Togetherall? To coincide with the start of the new academic year, the Togetherall team are running demonstration webinars to give you an introduction to the service.

September dates

  • Tuesday 15 September: 11am-12pm
  • Thursday 17 September: 2pm–3pm
  • Wednesday 23 September : 11am-12pm
  • Thursday 24 September: 2pm-3pm
  • Tuesday 29 September: 10am-11am
  • Wednesday 30 September: 2pm-3pm

October dates

  • Tuesday 6 October: 11am-12pm
  • Thursday 8 October: 2pm-3pm
  • Tuesday 13 October: 1pm-2pm
  • Thursday 15 October: 11am-12pm

How to join

To attend, simply email with your preferred date, full name and organisation. You will then receive a calendar invite including a link to the webinar.

Staff and students can access support by entering their academic email address at