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Welcome all staff to a new academic year: Transcript

Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor: A warm welcome to the start of our new academic year, and I hope everybody managed to get some rest and relaxation over the summer.

Of course, it's going to be another really busy year, but particularly so this year as we build up to 2025 and the celebrations for our 60th anniversary.

Now, of course, it's always really important to value the successes that we have as a University. But perhaps even more important, let us recommit our determination to make this world a better place.

As a community, we are focused on going forward and further transforming our society economically and socially through our world-leading education and research. We will be launching our Connect program to drive interdisciplinary education, research and innovation in STEM and Social Sciences.

This is a key investment in our community, and you will start to see work on the ground as we transform our campus.

Our ethos of thinking freely, thriving on difference and sharing opportunities makes us the unique community that we are.

We're planning lots of exciting events for that 60th anniversary that's coming up. And there'll be plenty of chances for everyone to get involved.

So let's get ready. It's going to be exciting.