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Our Vice-Chancellor

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Blog: 2014: a Year of ‘Consolidation’ in Britain

For British higher education, 2014 will be a period of consolidation. Specifically, I think we will see four trends grow as budgets tighten, as the system becomes more market oriented, and as universities face more pressure to produce better education and research with less resources.

Thu 23 Jan 2014, 12:20 | Tags: Blog

Two journeys: The Vice-Chancellor’s Christmas message to students and staff

Dear all,

This last term has been marked by two very particular events, both of which have been significant journeys. They have each focused on our core missions of research and teaching. Staff and the research student community have, for some considerable time now, been on a long and challenging journey to pull together, and complete, our submission to the Research Excellence Framework. I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard to get us to that finishing line so that we were able to make our final submission last week.

Mon 02 Dec 2013, 09:25 | Tags: Message

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