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Brief Encounter - Dean McIlwraith

Dean McIlwraith, Learning Grid Information Assistant Dean McIlwraith is based at the University's new 24 hour learning environment student study space, the Learning Grid, which is located on the ground floor of University House.

Learning Grid information Assistant

Which means
Assisting my manager and all our potential clients in the running of what's going to be the best Learning Centre in the Universe!

Favourite phrase
I have a cunning plan!

Least favourite phrase
No you can't have/do/request that

Life before Warwick

Solihull College

Smartest career move
This one - so far

Best thing about studying at Warwick
Gorgeous campus

Lifelong ambition
To go to the North Pole

People are always surprised to learn this about me, but?
I'm a self made man- only I got very drunk at the design stage.

As a young child, what did you want to be as a 'grown-up'?
An explorer

Now that you are a grown-up, what would be your 'dream job'?

Paintball Centre/Games designer.

What has life's experience taught you so far?
There are always people far worse off than yourself, be grateful for everyday you have and never trust anyone called Claire!

Major achievement to date?
My Sociology degree

Any hidden talents?
I've played football at the Millennium Stadium Cardiff.

If you could change one thing in the University overnight, what would it be?
My own free car parking space with 'sod off' painted on it

Which person inspires you most, and why?

Fridtjof Nansen - Brave, Lucky, Brainy - the best combinations