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John Dons His Tracksuit for Kids Charity

John Cunnington in his tracksuit outside Rootes ResidencesThose of you who know John Cunnington, the University's Senior Warden, may have been surprised to see him out of his customary suit and tie for a day last month.

John raised over £1000 for the children's charity Get Kids Going! by being sponsored for spending an entire working day in a tracksuit.

Rumour has it that John even wears a suit on his days off - and given the choice between wearing jeans and a T-shirt or a tracksuit for the day he plumped for the latter!

Get Kids Going! is a national charity which gives disabled children and young people - up to the age of 26 - the opportunity of participating in sport.

The charity helps promote sports for disabled children by providing them with specially built sports wheelchairs for marathons, triathlons, tennis, athletics, mountain skiing, rugby and basketball. Get Kids Going! also helps and encourages British disabled children to compete by supporting them with their sports; training, physiotherapy, travel, design and development of sports wheelchairs.

Adam Boddison, a postgraduate student in the Institute of Education and Resident Tutor, persuaded John to oblige and organised the sponsorship.

It?s not too late for you to add your support - just go to and pledge your contribution. Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to donate: Get Kids Going! will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.

For more information on Get Kids Going! Check out the website -