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Warwick People

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Ballot for industrial action: VC message

Read a message from Stuart Croft on the call from UCU for another national ballot on industrial action.

Wed 16 Mar 2022, 16:16 | Tags: EXEC TEAM NOTICEBOARD

A Christmas message from the VC

Watch a Christmas message from Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor.

Tue 21 Dec 2021, 13:25 | Tags: EXEC TEAM OUR PEOPLE

Ten years of partnership with Monash University

As we celebrate 10 years of partnership with Monash University – VCs Stuart Croft and Margaret Gardner consider the achievements of the last decade and look forward.

Thu 16 Dec 2021, 11:45 | Tags: EXEC TEAM GLOBAL

Inaugural Professor Lecture: Mike Tildesley

Hear from Mike Tildesley (School of Life Sciences and Mathematics Institute) on his work modelling the spread of infectious diseases to inform government decision making: from foot-and-mouth disease to Covid-19. Click here to join the meeting at 2pm on Friday 19 November.

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 11:32 | Tags: EXEC TEAM NOTICEBOARD

Results of UCU ballots for industrial action and next steps for Warwick

Read a message from Stuart Croft, VC on the results of UCU ballots for industrial action and the next steps for Warwick.

Tue 09 Nov 2021, 11:03 | Tags: EXEC TEAM NOTICEBOARD

Update on UCU ballots for industrial action

The University has received the result of the recent UCU ballot on the USS pensions proposals.

Fri 05 Nov 2021, 15:11 | Tags: EXEC TEAM NOTICEBOARD

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