Warwick People
Professor Alison Cooley appointed Director of the Institute of Advanced Study
Alison (Classics and Ancient History) says her new role is an opportunity to “foster interdisciplinary research, help promote a positive research culture, strengthen our international profile, and assist in attracting and supporting the best postdoctoral researchers across all disciplines.”
Dear Diary: How can I be more hopeful?
Hope can help us to overcome obstacles – and higher levels of hope have been linked to improved resilience and overall wellbeing. Inspired by research from Warwick’s Psychology department, we dive into three practical ways you can be more hopeful, at work or home.
Want to get a good night's sleep? Here are six top tips from Warwick's experts...
What can we do to try and encourage our bodies to rest, relax, and slip into a deep, rejuvenating slumber, night after night? Sleep expert Professor Michelle Miller – Professor of Biochemical Medicine, and Sleep, Health & Society Programme Lead – shares her top tips.
Warwick Research Celebration Awards
Want to help recognise the outstanding impact and contributions of our research community? Now’s your chance – the nomination deadline has been extended to Friday 17 January.
Here’s how to stick to your new year’s resolutions – from a Warwick behaviour expert
WBS’s Professor Ivo Vlaev shares his five top tips on how to make sure we turn our new-year intentions into lasting changes.
NERC funding opportunity workshop
Friday 17 January
Interested in applying for the new Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funding call, Opening Up the Environment? Sign up for a hybrid workshop where you can ask questions, discuss ideas, and set up collaborations.