Warwick People
Update on recovery planning
Get an update on work underway for a phased return to campus over coming months, financial planning and how we’ll be sharing more information in the next fortnight.
Progress on our new Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building
We celebrated completing the second stage of the Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building with a ‘topping out’ ceremony. Discover the benefit the new £54.3M building at Gibbet Hill will have for research, staff and students once completed.
Time capsule buried at new Faculty of Arts building
The time capsule included a vision statement for the new building and a message to future students.
Travel survey open
This year's travel survey is now open. Be sure to complete the questionnaire to be in for the chance of winning an Apple iPad, iPhone or one of three annual subscriptions to our Sports and Wellness Hub.
Car parking consultation
We are looking to introduce parking charges for evenings and weekends from early 2020. An online consultation is now open to gather your views and feedback, enabling the new charges to be introduced in such a way to minimise any negative impact on those who use the University car parks.
Warwick joins NUS Recycle League Pilot
We are one of eleven Universities competing to see which can improve their recycling rates the most, to be in with a chance of winning golden recycling bins and a £15,000 top prize. Find out how you can help reduce our overall waste and improve our recycling.