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Message from IB

Michael Furdyk has set up an IB WSC portal on the “Youth Movements” section of It can be accessed at: or it is also accessible through (a shorter URL) which will redirect.

Here are the directions for adding projects to the portal:

• Visit and sign up for a free TakingITGlobal account.

• Go to the Initiatives homepage and click "Create Initiative" at the top left.

• Fill out your project's name, and then click "Next" to get access to the full set of Initiative page setup tools.

• After filling out a basic description of your project, explore the "Features" and "Design" sections to choose the features and design for your Initiative page. Under "Pages", you can create a number of content pages to share information about your project and goals.

• Publish your page once you're happy with it.

• E-mail: with the link to your Initiative page and he will list it on the global IBWSC projects map!

• Visit and see your project listed!