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Dr James Blake on doomed satellite returning to Earth today

Dr James Blake, Research Fellow at the Centre for Space Domain Awareness, comments on the fate of ERS-2.

Wed 21 Feb 2024, 12:04 | Tags: Physics, Space, Sciences, astronomy, astrophysics

Dr James Blake on Space Debris conference, Saudi Arabia

"It’s now imperative that these discussions inspire action moving forward towards a collective goal of sustainability in the space domain."

Mon 12 Feb 2024, 16:29 | Tags: Physics, Space

Dr. Paul Strøm on New Super Moon

"I think that many are drawn to the allure of the moon, perhaps because it serves as a poignant reminder of the vastness of our world and the exquisite beauty inherent in nature.”

Thu 08 Feb 2024, 12:03 | Tags: Physics, astronomy, astrophysics

Professor Tim Gershon on CERN's new particle accelerator

The so-called Future Circular Collider is CERN's proposal to measure the properties of the Higgs boson in unprecedented precision, and in so doing to look at the Universe in new ways.

Tue 06 Feb 2024, 10:30 | Tags: Physics, Space

Dr Minjae Kim on asteroid 2008 OS7

"2008 OS7, a very small asteroid whose orbit intersects with that of Earth, has been classified as a 'Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA)'".

Fri 02 Feb 2024, 11:42 | Tags: Physics, Space, Sciences, astronomy, astrophysics

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