October Half Term Junior Tennis Camp
The Tennis Centre is running a Half Term Junior Tennis Camp from Monday 27th to Friday 31st October 2008. The programme includes groups for Mini Tennis Red Players (8 years and under), Orange and Green Players (10 years and under), and Junior Players (11 years and over).
The centre is the first of its kind in Coventry and Warwickshire to offer access to the public without having to take up a membership. The tennis programme is operated on behalf of the University of Warwick by inspire2coach Ltd., who believe that:
'tennis can be an easy game to play, and we will help you enjoy your experience on a tennis court. We organise suitable events so that every competitive experience is great fun!'
Other half term activities include adult and junior coaching programmes, and Fit From 50.
- To find out more details about the Half Term Junior Tennis Camp and other events, please go to: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/sportscentre/facilities/westwood/tenniscentre/
- General enquiries: penny.harris@warwick.ac.uk