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Warwick Student Arts Festival 2011

Warwick Student Arts Festival 2011Boasting some of Warwick University's finest creative and performing talent, Warwick Student Arts Festival 2011 (WSAF) returns on Saturday 25th - Tuesday 28th June as the culmination of another year of artistic delights. Europe’s largest student-run arts festival begins – it’s on your doorstep and it’s absolutely free!

Building on past successes, WSAF fuses different genres of performing arts and showcases original material from individuals, as well as shows by well-known societies. There's something to suit every taste imaginable, from Shakespearean drama to interpretive dance, classical music to heavy metal, mime shows to stand-up comedy.

Over several years the festival has included outdoor and experimental theatre, shows with audience participation, dance workshops, poetry readings and visual art. The programme this year will include projects by both ensembles and individual creative minds. Highlights of previous WSAFs have included a night-time promenade performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream and Finale Concerts that have witnessed the unlikely, yet stunningly effective co-performance of Symphony Orchestra and Battle of the Bands winners Lead Resonance. This year’s schedule will feature equally exciting and innovative work.

Over the four days of the festival there will opportunities for everyone to take part – not just students but also staff and members of the wider community. With its community events, WSAF seeks to entertain and engage its participants. These events will offer an opportunity for children and young people to come together, join in the fun and learn about the importance of performing arts and the power of the imagination to inspire and motivate them to new achievements.