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Mind-controlled toys and electronic noses: Warwick Engineering Day

  • Get your hands on mind-controlled Scalextric, smell with an electronic nose, and see a smoke-ring cannon – all this at the University of Warwick’s Engineering Day
  • Your chance to see cutting-edge innovation and incredible machines – developed at Warwick, and changing the world.
  • Find out about biomedical, civil, electrical or mechanical engineering – and ask experts anything

Members of the local community will have the chance to get their hands on the toys of the future and cutting-edge technology - at the University of Warwick’s Engineering Day this month.

mind control

The School of Engineering is opening its doors to the public, allowing YOU to try its mind-controlled Scalextric set, smell with an electronic nose that can sniff out diseases, and see a smoke-ring cannon in action!

In this FREE event, find out how incredible machines and pioneering breakthroughs in engineering – right here in Coventry - are changing the world for the better.

Engineers will be on hand to tell you how they’re helping to keep people alive in homes and hospitals, how they’re making bridges, buildings and infrastructure stronger, improving our gadgets, and making cars and planes better.

It’s your chance to ask the experts anything about engineering – whether it’s biomedical, civil, electrical or mechanical - and to see how you could be part of this story, and become an engineer.

There will be fun games, exciting experiments and interactive shows throughout the day.

Professor Christopher James, is a biomedical engineer and neuroscientist – and is organising the event.

He comments:

"I am really excited to be putting together this event to showcase engineering in all its guises. As an engineer, solving problems is what I do – in my case in health and wellbeing.

“It has been fascinating getting the many stands and tours we are setting up together – there will be many things to play with, puzzle over and get excited about. We are aiming this event at children of all ages - from 3 to 103!

“Come and find out what engineering is about and how engineers truly are helping to change the world in many interesting and exciting ways."

The University of Warwick’s Engineering Day is on 11 March 9.30am – 4pm

It takes place in: School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Library Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL

All welcome, free of charge – just turn up.

For more information, email

2 March 2017

Further information, contact:

Luke Walton, International Press Officer

+44 (0) 7824 540 863

+44 (0) 2476 150 868