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Thermal Lab

360 view of thermal suite

DSC the most important effects that this can analyse are melting point, melting range and melting behaviour. DSC is also used to determine the heat of fusion, glass transition, oxidation stability and specific heat capacity up to 600°C. We also have the capability of coupling with a UV probe, to perform photo-DSC.

TGA measures mass changes. The main applications of TGA are content determination, thermal stability, decomposition kinetics, and composition analysis.

TGA-DSC is a combined technique instrument where the mass measurement is of high accuracy but DSC is of low sensitivity compared to dedicated instrument ambient to 1000°C.

TGA-DSC mass spectrometer same as TGA-DSC but with evolved gas analysis with sensitivity of ambient to 1500°C.

TMA is normally used to study the expansion, softening or shrinkage of materials and the glass transition. Its unique application is the determination of the Coefficient of Thermal expansion, or CTE -150 to 500°C

DMA is used to measure the mechanical behaviour and properties of materials. This includes the modulus and damping behaviour. It is the most sensitive method for measuring and characterizing glass transitions, Tg and sub-Tg relaxations, in materials ambient to 400°C.

Rheometer is used for complex flow and deformation behaviour relative to temperature. This instrument also has a tribology measurement cell for measuring friction.

Laser Flash Analyser This allows the measurement of thermal conductivity of solid materials

Mettler Toledo DSC1 with liquid nitrogen cooling

Perkin Elmer DSC6000

Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC1

Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC1 with mass spec detector

TA Instruments TGA/DSC SDT650

TA Instruments DSC2500

Perkin Elmer DMA8000 with liquid nitrogen cooling and multiple mounting modes

Mettler Toledo DMA with multiple mounting modes

Anton Paar MCR 302 Rheometer